Monday, July 8, 2019



Rev. Harmon Taylor 
HRT Ministries 
Box 12 

Newtonville, NY. 12128-0012 

I'm going to share with you something I have entitled "Mixing Oil with Water. 
"You'll quickly understand the subject, we'll be using the Word of God, and 
many selected scripture portions at the very beginning of this message. This is 
the message on Freemasonry that I presented to the United Methodist church I 
pastored on my way out of the pastoral ministry. 

Let me share with you a statement of Charles G. Finney, one of the foremost 
preachers of his day. He was a theologian who accepted Christ in 1821 and 
served Him until his death in 1875. He fulfilled the pastoral role in several 
churches. He became one of the most renown professors of systematic theology 
in all of history. But most of all he served his Lord to the very best he knew how 
to do, and that's what I'm trying to do. 

He said when faced with a challenge you should do this, study it in the light of 
scripture and act upon it in the light of scripture. "Every local branch of the 
Church of Christ is bound to examine this subject and pronounce upon this 
institution according to the best light they can get." 

I have been involved in Freemasonry. I have been involved in the church as a 
believer and as a pastor.. I have been a pastor and teacher. I have been involved 
in the reading of His Word. I have been involved in the comparison of the Word 
of God as I see it in Holy Scripture versus the Word of God as it is given me in 
the ritual of the Masonic Fraternity. Invariably there are words changed. So let 
us look at mixing oil with water. 

Let me share from Psalm 118: Verse.22. 

"The stone, the very stone which the builder rejected, It has become the capstone. 
The Lord has done this, it is a marvelous thing in our eyes. This is the day which 
the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. " 

Then, moving over to Mt. 5, Vrs. 33-37, Jesus is speaking about perjury and 
retaliation being forbidden. 

"Again you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, do not break your 
oath, but keep your oaths you have made to the Lord. But I tell you, says Jesus, do 
not swear at all, Either by heaven, for it is Gods' throne, or by the earth for it is 
His footstool, or by Jerusalem for it is the city of the great king, and do not swear 
by your head, for you cannot make even one hair either white or black, simply let 
your yes be yes and your no be no. Anything beyond that comes from the evil 
one. " 

These are not my words now, these are the words of Jesus. And then moving 
over to Mt. 24, Vrs. 1&2. 

"Jesus left the temple and was walking away when His disciples came to Him to 
call attention to its buildings. Do you see all these things? Jesus asked. I tell you 
the truth, not one stone here will be left on another. Every one of them will be 
thrown down. He was speaking of the temple. " 

Then, moving over to 2 Timothy, the third chapter and verse sixteen. Second 
Timothy 3:16, You've heard of John 3:16, that's an easy one to remember, 2 
Timothy 3:16, hear the word of scripture: 

"All scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, for rebuking, for 
correcting, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be 
thoroughly equipped for every good work. This scripture is saying that it's 
meant for more than just love, love, love. Scripture is God-breathed, useful for 
teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness." 

2 Timothy 4, Words the Lord has laid upon my heart, and reinforced so many 
times. Before I ever spoke them as a section of scripture that the Lord was 
dealing with me on, my daughter placed that scripture in my hand. Just the 
lettering, 2 Timothy 4: 2 through 5. This was Paul’s' message to Timothy, a 
pastor. And it is a message to every pastor, it is a message that certainly God 
had for this pastor. I know that I know that I know! That this is the scripture 
verse that God has for me, that He has burned into my heart. 

"Preach the Word. Be prepared in season and out of season, correct, rebuke and 
encourage with great patience and careful instructions for the time will come 
when men will not put up with sound doctrine, instead, to suit their own desires 
they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching 

ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to 
myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of 
an Evangelist, discharge the duties of your ministry." 

That is God's call upon me and that is what I am trying to do. And then one 
other scripture verse, again relating back to Mt. 5. This is in James, Chapter 5 and 
verse 12. 

"Above all my brothers, do not swear. Not by heaven, nor by earth, nor by 
anything else. Let your yes, be yes and your no, no — or you will be 
condemned. " 

God have mercy on us as we share together around these scripture verses. I had 
been pastor of my church for a little more than a year. God had been moving 
dramatically in my life. He moved dramatically just to bring me to Clifton Park 
United Methodist Church. We worked together as a pastor and people and in 
that time one word had stood out above all others in my Christian walk, and it is 
this; Be careful. Pastor, of deception. As God moved in my life in those months, 

I had been able to see how easy it was for me and for others to be deceived and 
drawn away from the Christian walk. It was in October of the same year that I 
shared with them the roots of Halloween and how it was brought into sync with 
the Christian holiday of All Saints Day. 

I shared with them the evil of that; some rebuked it but it was the call of a pastor 
to preach Gods' Word. Some of them learned, some of them were surprised. I 
was even more surprised when a brother in Christ came to me. He'd been 
praying for four months - remember Nehemiah? This brother prayed for four 

months before he came to me, to talk about my involvement in a cult! "Bob, what 
are you talking about? Me? involved in a cult? I'm in the United Methodist 
Church!" And then we began to share together. 

I realized that while I was sharing with the church that they needed to be careful 
about dabbling in the occult even if it were just the dressing in a costume, here I 
was in a full blown cult. 

It's not easy for me to share that with you, for what you might think and how 
could I be so stupid. I've shared with others and actually had Christians laugh at 
me. Please, don't laugh. But Listen. As a pastor, as a preacher, as a child of The 
King, I must preach the word without fear of man's criticism. I must preach it 
with the reverential fear of the love of God for the souls of all men. 

This morning we will deal with a topic that may be uncomfortable to some of 
you. To others, it may tell you something you already suspected. To others, it 
will confirm what you already knew. At the very start I need to assure you that 
my object is not to attack or challenge any individual man, woman, or child. 

What I share with you has little to do with a man or woman or child but it affects 
the lives of many men, women, and children. And it is that evil that I speak 
against this day. 

I am not attacking a person but I am seeking to lead men and women into a 
closer walk with the One, True God. The Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I do 
this in the name of Christ for the glory of God and hopefully with a boldness of a 
Charles G. Finney, a nineteenth century Evangelist who spoke as God gave him 


First, let's look at the dictionary definition of Immoral. Webster defines it as 
conflicting with generally and traditionally held moral principles. Concerning 
the fraternity of Freemasons my Christian friends, their benevolence, their moral 
principles in general, Charles G. Finney accurately states the following: 

"Masonry does not recognize the Bible as any higher authority with 
Masons than the sacred books of heathen nations nor the Koran of 
Mohammed or the Verti of Hindu. That Freemasonry recognizes all 
religions is equally valid. That so far as Masonry is concerned, it matters 
not at all what the religion of its adherents is, provided they are not 

To join the Masonic Fraternity, you need not be a Christian. I could ask you to 
raise your hands as to how many of you think that the Masonic Fraternity is a 
Christian organization and probably one third of you would raise your hand, 
until you think about it or remember that there are Jews and many others in that 
organization, and the reason for that is that it requires a belief in only one god. 
Any god! Just one. 

I'm not the first to stand up and to speak out against it. I'm just one of the latest. 
I'm going to share with you the names, of a remarkable list of great Christian 
men and statesmen who renounce the lodges and opposed them, and this is 
particularly important to you if you happen to be upset, because one of the most 
illustrious figures in religion to speak out against Masonry was a man by the 
name of John Wesley. Yes, I'm going back to Methodism. Right back to the very 

root. That man who left his church and preached the salvation message to 
miners in England. Yes, John Wesley took a stand against Masonry. 

Alexander Campbell, Daniel Webster, Wendell Phillips, Chief Justice Charles 
Marshall, Charles Summner, John Hancock, Horace Greeley, Dwight L. Moody, 
R. A. Tory, Timothy Dwight, Charles Finney, Charles Blanchard, John Adams, 
John Quincy Adams, John Madison, Amos Wells, Simon Peter Long, James M. 
Gray. A long list of men who spoke out against Masonry. Listen to these 
powerful words of Dwight L. Moody to pastors. 

"I don't see how any Christian most of all a Christian Minister can go into 
these secret lodges with unbelievers. They say they have more influence 
for good but I say they can have more influence for good by staying out of 
them and then reproving their evil deeds. Abraham was more influence 
for good in Sodom than Lot was for good. True reformers separate 
themselves from the world rather than becoming a part of it. But Dwight 
L. Moody, some say, if you talk that way you'll drive out all the members 
of secret societies out of your meetings and out of your churches, "What if 
I did?" said Dwight L. Moody, better men will take their places. Give 
them the truth anyway and if they would rather leave their churches than 
their lodges the sooner they get out of the churches, the better. Those are 
the words of an Evangelist, a Prophet, Dwight L. Moody. "I would rather 
have ten members," he said, "who are separated from the world than a 
thousand such members. Come out of your lodges. Better be one with 
God that a thousand without Him." 

Concerning a Christian as a member of a Masonic society we have this from the 
very Word of God. 

"And I heard a voice from heaven saying Come out of her my people that Ye not 
be partakers of her sin and you receive not her plagues for her sins have reached 
unto heaven and God hath remembered her iniquities." (Rev. 18:4-5) 

There are many Christians, even ministers of the Gospel of Christ who support 
the adherence to the teachings of the Masonic lodge. I have been a Mason, I have 
been a Past Master of my lodge, I received the Master of the Year Award in my 
district for increasing the lodge attendance by 259% over the previous year. Yes, 
I was committed to it. I'm ashamed of it now. But it took a lot of time from my 
church, from my family, from my sleep. I did the best job I knew how to do. 

I was appointed a New York State Grand Chaplain; there's sixty-some in the 
state. I was one of them and I was selected personally by the Grand Master 
because of my leadership and because of my service. Normally it goes through a 
district committee where Right Worshipfuls get together, but they were saving 
me for District Deputy Grand Master. 

The Grand Master personally appointed me to that post. I served him as best I 
could. But what it says or should say to you is that I speak with the authority of 
the Word of God and I speak with the full knowledge of the rituals. I have 
performed the degrees in the Blue Lodge. I have seen them all, observed, and 
been a part of them. There is a real question of what can be done with the great 
numbers of professed Christians including Christian pastors who are in the 
Masonic Fraternity. But I tell you, I pray for them every single day. 

Let me just share with you what one pastor said. I wrote an Editorial in the 
newspaper. All I did was commend my denomination in England and the 
Roman Catholic church for taking a stand against Masonry and your coverage. 

In part, I said, 

"I write as one who is well informed and not confused, and in no need of 
help concerning this matter. Stanley Maxwell quoted as saying "The 
lodge honors Jesus Christ as it honors Socrates, Buddha, Mohammed. 
Christians and others need to know that Masonry honors none of these. 
They aren't mentioned in any form of honor in the Fraternity. Their names 
aren't mentioned and neither is the name of my Savior Jesus Christ. There 
is no place in ritual of the Masonic Fraternity where Jesus is 
acknowledged as "Your Savior"." 

What was the response by a man who is chairman of a district board of ministry 
that I answered to, to be able to stand in my Pulpit, "a Grand Chaplain, Mr. 
Taylor has expressed his biased opinion, and his faith seems to have been 
adversely affected.” 

What men will do. What men will do in order to protect their fraternity. Even to 
the putting down of a fellow pastor. Charles G. Finney was a Mason, came out 
of it when he accepted Christ, and he wrote a whole book on it. The air has 
almost been darkened by the immense number of falsehoods that have been 
circulated by Freemasonry to destroy the reputation of every man who has 
renounced Freemasonry. 

Anybody come to you and criticized you? You know, back home, somebody 
came into an insurance office and told a member of my congregation, "It's a 
good thing you got rid of that guy when you did." She said to him, "We didn't 
get rid of him, we wanted to keep him. He left." 

Do you know that a week after I came out of the Fraternity the man who wrote 
the History of Masonry gathered together the officers of my lodge, told them 
what a tragic loss it was, reminded them about my year in a back brace, told 
them that I'd been on some strong medication and evidently it had affected my 

Well I'll tell you what the medication was. It was two Valium prescribed by the 
Doctor while I was in the Hospital for two weeks, reduced to half that amount 
when I got out of the hospital, and that was two years before I made the decision 
to leave Masonry. That medication is awful slow working! I think any Doctor 
would be able to document that it didn't come from that medication. But 
Hallelujah! He spoke to the Master of my lodge, and you know what happened? 
A week after I left Masonry, he signed my demit, before the next meeting. Let 
me share it with you: 

"To the Secretary; 

I am resigning as a member of Welcome Lodge 829. There is a better 
light, that light is the light of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In His 
Word (Jn. 8:12) it says: I am the light of the world, whoever follows me 
will not walk in darkness. I have walked in the darkness of Masonry. 
Today I am ending that darkness and following the One, True, Light, that 
of God, His Son , and The Holy Spirit." 

Hallelujah! I did more for Jesus Christ by leaving Masonry than I ever did by 
being in it. and that's just the beginning, you know what else happened? The 
next day his son left and gave his testimony! And you know what else 
happened? That week they had a mid-week prayer meeting in the Church on 
Wednesday night. 

I called up a man who walked by me one day at the Pine View Community 
Church, and he said to me, "I don't know how you could be a minister and a 
Mason." He was a kind of wimpy kind of guy so I just ignored it, but God didn't 
let me forget it. And when I left the Fraternity I called him on the phone and I 
told him that I'd come out of Masonry and he said "Oh, great! Can I use that as a 
testimony tonight at worship?" 

My gut reaction was no, I want to tell them the next time I get there. But that's 
pride Taylor. O.K., you can tell them. He went to that prayer meeting. He 
shared, there was a guy with his Masonic bible with its big Masonic emblem on 
it. And as he told about this Mason writing a letter to the Grand Chaplain and 
leaving Masonry, he pulled the Bible closer to him. Next to him was a dear black 
lady who learned a long time ago how to really pray. It got to prayer time and 
she stood up and she started to pray that God would use that letter to lead other 
men out of the Fraternity by the hundreds. He could take no more of it. He 
picked up his Bible, he stormed out of the church; This fellow that I'd been 
talking to saw that Masonic emblem and he said. I've offended that brother." 

When I got home there was a message from the Mason waiting. My wife knew I 
wouldn't be in until late, but he said, "Have him call me whatever time he gets 

in." I called him, it was after 12:00, now in the morning of the next day, and he 
said, "I hear that you are Grand Chaplain and you got a letter from a guy that's 
leaving Masonry. Do you know anything about it? " 

I said, "Sure, I know all about it, I wrote the letter." He replied, " I gotta talk to 
you." And so we went down and we ate at the Hilton Hotel. We sat there and 
we prayed and he told me his testimony. He wanted to know how to get out and 
what to do. You know, in that week eight men came out of the Fraternity and 
every single one of them gave a witness to the Lord Jesus Christ Hallelujah! 

What's happening is that people don't know. You know why the Masonic 
Fraternity is a secret organization? Because if they ever showed me that ritual 
before I went through the door of that lodge, I would have laughed. Then I 
would have gone home. 

I don't know how other men get into Masonry, I'll tell you how I got in. I was a 
pastor to my people in Hagemon, and I slipped up bad. I let the men of my 
church lead me in an area where I should have been leading them. When I 
looked out in the congregation there were Masonic lapel pins on all but one of 
the men in my congregation. I couldn't get a men’s' group started in my church 
and now I know why, they were all involved in Masonry, they didn't have time 
for another meeting a week. Since I couldn't get them to join a group, I joined 
the one they had. I asked them and oh, were they thrilled. Were they happy, 
their minister was going to join. 

I had a lady in that church, Marion Campbell, She didn't like my involvement in 
Masonry, but I didn't have to worry about that, you see. Every time she spoke 

up these men put her down. When there were some tough times in the church, 
some of those Masons who disagreed with what I was saying supported me 
because I was a Mason. Now that's not the reason to support your pastor. It's 
easy to get led in. 

Finney challenges men like myself. Let Christian men labor with these Masons, 
Plead with them and endeavor to make them see it is to be their duty to abandon 
it. He continues; The morality inculcated by Masons is an exclusive, one-sided, 
selfish affair. In its best estate it is only partiality, and the doing in a very 
slovenly manner the work of a mutual insurance company. 

You see, if you get involved the first person that a Masons' going to help (and 
some of you who were Masons can attest to this) If you're given a choice between 
giving help to a Mason and somebody else, you help that Mason first, even if the 
other one is in more need. Let no man deceive you by any means. Masonry 
claims for itself the power to conduct its disciples to heaven. You do it by your 
good works, and if you are good in your works, you will get there. 

In many places in the ritual it teaches the candidate the observance of Masonic 
law, principles, and usages that will secure for him his salvation. I put a lot of 
those things in a corner. You ever done that in your house? You put a lot of 
things in a corner and the house looks pretty neat? But when you pull all that 
stuff out of the corner, what a mess! That's what happened with Masonry and 
me. I stuck the salvation by works in one corner. I stuck some scripture that 
wasn't quite right in another corner. 

As I sat down with a Christian brother who prayed for me for four months 
without my even knowing it, you know one of his prayer partners moved all the 
way to Carolina?, He called her every week to pray with her for me? That's the 
kind of commitment that came to me by a brother and a sister in Christ, that I be 
led out. Do you know that brother and that woman came to my son's 
graduation because they couldn't believe that a Mason would be allowed in the 
Laudenville Community Church pulpit. 

Do you know when we met five months later He gave me a copy of that bulletin, 
wrote down everything, and a little Masonic symbol with a question mark 
wherever what I said didn't line up with Masonic ritual. A lot of time, a lot of 
effort, and that's what I'm trying to do with others. I prayed over this message 
for nearly four months now. 

"Let no man deceive you for that day shall not come except there come a falling 
away, first of that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition who opposeth and 
exhalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that as he 
as god sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is god . " 

Not only is Freemasonry a religion, it offers salvation by works. But it also claims 
the position of God through its very rituals. In the seventh degree of the Royal 
Arch Masons there is a representative of the burning bush. I'll tell you how deep 
I got into this. I went through the Scottish Rite, the 4th through the 32nd degree 
in Masonry. Some of you may know about the 32nd degree of Masonry, maybe 
your Dad was a 32nd degree Mason, and you think that's a pretty good thing. 

You know what it takes to be a 32nd degree Mason? Over a Mason? In Albany, 
$135, and all day Saturday watching six plays performed and maybe you're 
selected to participate in one. That's all it takes. But praise a man for being a 
32nd degree Mason and he's not going to tell you that. I never told anybody 
that when I was a Mason. The 7th degree of Royal Arch Masons has a 
representation of the burning bush. The candidate is told to take off his shoes for 
the place where he stands is holy ground. And then the Master of the lodge 
claims to be the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. What an awful, profane, 
blasphemous thing this is. 

It is my most sincere prayer that our time together today, even though it is 
running fast, will help you to receive in a spirit of love and compassion what I 
endeavor to convince you concerning the dangers of the Masonic fraternity. I've 
been there! And I'll tell you, it is only by the grace of God that I am out of there 

You ever hear the story of the frog in the water? The frog sits in a pan of water, 
very content. You put the pan on a hot plate, and begin to turn up the 
temperature very slowly; and the frog sits there very contentedly — as the 
temperature rises from 68 to 75 to 80 to 100 to 140 to 180 to 212. You know that 
frog will never jump out of that water? 

And that's the way it is with Christians — when they get involved with the wrong 
things, just a little bit at a time. Then you can get in, and when the water is 
boiling, you are still there. In my first degree, I wanted OUT! And I knew why I 
wanted out. Yet, within four years I was doing that degree and bringing other 
men into Masonry. 

The frog — that's who I was! But God kissed me with His Word, and now I am a 
child of the King! Does that make me a prince ? 

What am I trying NOT to do this morning? I am not trying to have any quarrel 
or controversy with any man, woman or child who happens to be involved in 
Masonry. I am not disregarding the sensibility of any Mason regarding their pet 
institution. I do not want to assail them. I only want to point out that there come 
times in the church when we have the sacrament of Holy Communion and you 
will find that if Masons have a conflict, that they don't come to Holy 
Communion, they go to their Lodge meeting. 

What would I wish to do, if possible? I would wish to stop the spread of this 
great evil in the Church of Jesus Christ! I wish to give you some information that 
brings light and life. 

Do you know that in spite of the two editorials I had put in the newspaper about 
Freemasonry, not one member of my church came to me and asked me about 
Freemasonry! They went to somebody else who knows nothing and asked 
''What do you think about that?" Or they went to another Mason and they 
asked, "What do you think about that?" — a Mason to a Mason. 

No man came to me, nor woman, nor child; and asked me, "Why did you say 
that?" If you've got a question, go to your pastor and ask him! 

What would I wish to do, if possible? I would wish to stop the spread of this 
great evil in our church — in the whole church. I wish to arouse young men who 

are Masons to understand the horrible consequences of their dealings in these 
solemn oaths. I wish to arouse young men who are not Freemasons to look 
before they leap. The church, and the Christians have been remiss in suffering a 
whole generation, including me, to grow up in ignorance of the character of 
Freemasonry. No minister ever told me about that. Not one denominational 
leader quietly gave me a single word of advice or warning. 

In the 1800's Masonry was exposed; and Masons abandoned their lodges for the 
shame of it. It cost one man, William Morgan, his very life. But for me to lay down 
my life is gain. That holds no threat to me. This man wrote all of the rituals of 
Masonry in a book, and you know what Masons did? They kidnapped him from 
Batavia, NY; moved him out to Niagara; stored him in Ft. Niagara for three days, 
and then they took him out in a boat. They tied a rope — the Masons would call it 
a cabletow — around his waist (not quite Masonically) with a weight on it; and 
gave him one half hour to make his peace with his God. And he pleaded that he 
might be spared so that he might be able to care for his wife and his children. 
They killed him, anyway. 

These aren't rumors. This is the deathbed testimony of a man named Howard 
Vallance; the man who pushed William Morgan off the bow of that boat. 

In Masonic history, you know what they call that event, which I see your faces 
shuddering at? "The Morgan excitement . " How does that get you? They said if 
he were a drinking man, he'd be a drunk. See, they try to defame and disgrace 
everybody who doesn't agree with them. 

Oh! And the theme of Masonry is “Tolerance!" We must tolerate one another. 
"Ah, dear brother, you know when you say that prayer as Grand Chaplain, you 
can't end it in the name of Jesus because you might offend the Jewish brother. 
Where's your tolerance, brothers?" 

Where's your tolerance to the fact that the scripture tells us that we come to God 
the Father through Christ, His Son. You're telling me to pray an empty prayer! 
And I remember saying to the Jewish brother — who was eating his ham dinner at 
the time, and who told me not to pray in Jesus' name — I told him that I would 
pray in Jesus' name, and that when he heard the brief silence after my prayer 
before I said "Amen" that he could rest assured that I was saying, under my 
breath, "In Jesus' name." 

Isn't that awful? See how far — how hot they had gotten the water around the 
frog? That he'd say the name of Jesus under his breath? Well, I'm not saying it 
under my breath any more! Jesus Christ is my Savior and I'm serving him! 

That's why I'm sharing with you! 

Masonry claims the souls of men. 

Let me go back and tell you a little bit more about Henry Vallance. He was never 
arrested, never tried for the crime — and in that you find something about 
Masonry. The justices, the law enforcement officials — they took great pains to 
conceal, to deceive themselves. John Quincy Adams was President of the United 
States of America at the time, and he gave a scathing attack against Masonry, 
when he investigated the events behind it after leaving the presidency. 

They even established two false editions of Morgan's book, and they circulated 
the false editions and they would bring that false edition over to a Mason who 
had never read the true book, and show it to him; and he would say, "Why these 
rituals aren't correct!" And then he would become the spokesman to prove that 
the Morgan book was a lie. 

Charles G. Finney, as he wrote his book, had a copy of the real book. The 
Masons could now rightly claim that the book was not correct; but they did not 
have all the information. They'd been deceived by their own brothers. 

But the good news was that following that incident, 45,000 of the 50,000 Masons 
in this country left their lodges, when the facts became known, to enter it no 
more. While Christians have slept, the fraternity has once again reared its ugly 
head; and taken unto itself Christians and ministers of the gospel. 

Now how is this public to know what Freemasonry is? How are you to know? 
First, negatively, you are not going to find out what it is by reading most of the 
books written by adhering Masons. Because they are not going to tell you the 
truth — they are not going to tell you their ritual — or the real history of their 

Secondly, you cannot learn about Masonry from the oral testimony of adhering 
Masons. They'll tell you anything but the truth, because they need to protect that 
secret of their society. 

Thirdly, Masons who are under an oath not to reveal any of its secrets will not 
reveal that. Their testimony, therefore, cannot be trusted, and is of no value on 
the subject of Freemasonry. 

How then, are you positively to know about Masonry as the church? Positively, 
you can learn it from the published and oral testimonies of those who have taken 
the degrees, such as myself; and have afterwards renounced them, and confessed 
the error and publicly renounced Masonry. 

You can know from these renouncing Masons that they are competent witnesses, 
they are credible witnesses, when they testify against themselves. And anyone 
who testifies against himself does not do it lightly. It is given with a certainty of 
incurring an unrelenting persecution. 

Now I ask you, what have Masons said about me since I have left the fraternity? 
And the question is answered. . . They will trample over a man or woman of God 
to defend their institution. 

I told you of the brother who said I was on drugs. What I didn't tell you is that 
the police came to his own door one night. They'd arrested his son — also a 
Mason — for peddling drugs. I didn't tell you that the Masons got together and 
got him completely off the hook, and he is still a member of the Masonic lodge! 

I didn't tell you about another Mason in Scenectady, NY, who spent two months 
in jail while a 33° Mason while they looked for a Masonic judge to get him off, 
and then all the records are done away with. He forged money orders, and 
bounced checks on closed accounts! He's still a Mason today. You see. Masons 

are bound to do more than help a brother; they're to help a brother in distress, 
and it doesn't say what kind of distress. 

It could be that you're a little bit out of money and need some food; or it could be 
that you've committed a crime. It really makes no difference. And as you get 
higher up in the degrees, even treason is covered over by the brethren. 

That means if you're a Mason and a policeman, and if you abide by the oath of 
the fraternity; and you're told to go and arrest another Mason; you call him on 
the phone and tell him to get out of town before you get to his door. It means 
that if you're mugged and before the court and your lawyer is a Mason; and the 
accused gives the Grand Masonic Hailing Sign of Distress, your lawyer is under 
oath to flaw your case so that the brother goes free. 

If you find a Mason on a jury, and that Grand Masonic Hailing Sign were given, 
you are going to have a hung jury, if that Mason carries out his oath; and many 

Adhering Masons have persecuted and still do persecute those who reveal their 
secrets, just as far as they dare. 

Dear Christian friends, I submit to you that this is the highest degree of 
intolerance! Witnesses who testify under such circumstances as I have been 
under are entitled to credit; especially as they could have had no conceivable 
motive for deceiving the public. When someone asks you the next time, "What's 
the matter with Harmon Taylor?", you tell them he's been in the Word of God, 
okay? He's been in the ritual, but that was wrong and God has forgiven him. 

Look at the Master Mason degree for a moment; and I'm going to share a little bit 
about the first degree, too. The Third degree, like those that have gone before, 
have taken the candidates in blindfolded; their eyes are covered. They can't see. 
A rope around their neck! You ever been blindfolded? With a rope around your 
neck? Close your eyes for a minute and imagine that you don't know anything 
that's going on the other side of the door. What do you think? Comfort and joy? 

I went to that Masonic lodge room dressed like I'm dressed today, in a business 
suit Members of my church were there! Masons! They went into the lodge room 
and I was told to go into the other room. I went in there, and they closed the 
door, they told me to take off all my clothes, and put on this cape and this pants 
that was missing one leg. And the brother stayed there, I didn't even know that 
man's name! And he's in this small room with me about the size of this platform 
that I'm on. Then he blindfolded me and put a cabletow, a rope, around my 

Then there was a knock on the door, he asked who was there, and the man said 
that I was a poor, blind, candidate, desirous of having and receiving a part in 
the rites, light & benefit of this lodge. 

Masons ought to pay attention to the ritual that comes afterwards because I 
never did. I knew it, I learned it, I memorized it, but I didn't knozv what it said. 

Dear friend, you know what they were saying about your pastor? a born-again 
Christian pastor? They were saying as he came through the door of that lodge 

that he was spiritually blind and they say that about every Christian coming 
through the door of that lodge. 

They weren't talking about the blindfold. The Masons sit on the sidelines, new 
members come in, the blindfold is on, they assume its physical blindness, but the 
ritual, the words themselves, are talking about spiritual blindness. 

I was led to the end of the back of the lodge room, and I know there's some 
Masons here, and you can testify to the truth of this, blindfolded, cabletow, and 
your heart may even be beating a little more rapidly as you hear that senior 
deacon say that he's about to apply a sharp instrument to your naked right 

You are waiting to get shot with a needle, or feel a knife, you don't know, but in 
a split second that feels like an eternity you feel the point of a compass, you 
know, the kind you make circles with, and then they lead you on! and you are 

You don't think much of any of your friends that are there now. About all you 
can remember is that you've lived through it. And then you're told to kneel for 
the benefit of prayer & they say a prayer, a Godless prayer, and then they ask 
you in whom you put your trust. 

You sure don't put your trust in any of your congregation there who were 
Masons and that you know are in that place. You'd like to run out but you don't 
know where the door is because they've moved you around a couple times and 
you are blindfolded. You tell them the only thing you can, in God. They say. 

your trust being in God is well-founded. Rise, follow your conductor, & fear no 

Whew! That felt good! You know what that was? That was the lamb being led 
to the slaughter. 

So I went from there and followed the rest of the ritual very comfortable. A 
member of my church escorted me through this, and I was brought up to the 
altar and told to kneel. I was told just how to place my hand on the Bible, Gods' 
holy Word, and the oath began. 

Are you still willing to take the obligations? say "aye". I did. Pronounce your 
name in full, and I did. 

And repeat after me "In the presence of Almighty God, in this worshipful lodge, 
of entered apprentice... and it goes on. You find yourself saying, "I do promise 
and swear that I won't reveal the secrets, that I will help aid and assist a 

Remember, every person who is a Mason has done this, every single one. It's 
only the First degree. This pastor did it, too, but God forgave me. Hand on the 
Bible, we say the words, "under the ancient penalty having my throat cut across, 
my tongue torn out and buried in the sand of the sea where the tide ebbs and 
flows twice in twenty-four hours, if I ever reveal the secrets of this lodge. " 

I have secrets greater than that! And I want to make them known. 

Jesus Christ is Lord and I'm not bound by any oath that is in violation of His law, 
and His law says let your yes be yes and do not take any oath lest you come 
under condemnation! 

Now I really don't care if Masons get upset by that, as long as my God does not 
condemn me. And every Mason ought to know that too. 

The candidates' hands are placed on the Bible in Third degree, "binding myself 
under no less a penalty than having my body severed in twain, my bowels taken 
thence and burned to ashes & scattered to the four winds of heaven that there 
might not remain tract, trace, or remembrance of so vile and perfect a wretch if I 
should violate this, my obligation." 

Would you let me pastor in your church if you knew I took that oath? Only the 
Masons would have. God forgive me. And He has. That's why I speak out! And 
you can find out and verify everything I'm saying. You think it's a secret society. 
Down in your local library you can get the ritual book, you can get the 
information about Masonry. There are numerous books now available in almost 
every Christian bookstore. 

Dear Friends, do you think still think Freemasonry is a Christian institution? Do 
you really think a pastor ought to be involved in it? Are you going to be proud 
to tell others that your pastor is a Mason? Or , are you going to be proud to tell 
them that he got out? 

Dear Mason, are you proud to be a Mason now? As you consider the rituals 
you've taken part in during the daylight hours? Do you know the Junior 

Warden says that he observes the Summit Meridian? That's sun worship, the 
Senior Warden observes the sun as it sets in the West at the close of day, and the 
Worshipful Master observes the sun in the East, there are three candles around 
the altar, one for the Master of the lodge, one for the sun god, and one for the 
moon god! 

Do you know that one of the passwords to get into one of the York rite bodies is 
"I AM THAT I AM"! Do you know who "I AM" is? "I AM" is JESUS CHRIST 

Do you know that in the Knights' Templar degree, one of their degrees, the lodge 
has a Bible on the altar, a skull on top of that and wine in the skull; and you take 
a sip. Only one person does this for everybody. He takes a sip of the wine, and 
then part of the obligation was that if he violates that obligation, not only your 
sins but the sins of the person whose brain resided in the skull, and the sins of 
Judas Iscariot would be upon you. 

No Christian should ever, ever be a Mason. 

I just want to deal with one scripture, the prayer of the Chaplain. In the Masonic 
ritual, the Chaplains' prayer says "Most Holy and Glorious Lord God, Great 
Architect of the Universe", So that's who you're talking to, right? "Thou hast 
promised where two or three are gathered in Thy name. Thou wilt be in the 
midst." Does that sound scriptural to you? Well, almost. 

The Scripture is, "Where two or three are gathered in MY NAME, I will be in 
their midst". And the difference is their "Thy" refers to the Masonic god, 
JAHBULON. In the real Scripture, the "MY" refers to JESUS CHRIST! 

There's the big difference. You see, the name of JESUS can't be mentioned in the 
lodge room. Not even by a Grand Chaplain to end his prayer. 

Dear Christian, is you're a Mason, I plead with you to hear my words. Run from 
Freemasonry to save your own soul. 

And women, if you're in a Masonic-related body, the Amaranth, the Eastern 
Star, the White Shrine, RUN FROM THEM! 

If the base and the foundation of Masonry are rotten, you don't want to be on the 
fourteenth floor of a building with a crumbling foundation, do you? Well, let me 
tell you, it's not just the foundation that crumbling, the structure is too. 

Did you know that the Eastern Star symbol is the inverted Five-pointed star? 
Now I'm going to share with you about this star. 

One of the founders of the Eastern Star, the man who wrote all the ritual, Rob 
Morris, chose that five-pointed star. He selected it for a specific reason out of 
Mythology; it is the Goat of Mendez! And ladies did you know that the Goat of 
Mendez is the god of lust? What a jokester that Mason was. How blasphemous! 
That he would choose a symbol for his wife and his children to be a part of that is 
the Goat of Mendez, the god of lust. 

Well, they don't think of it that way. Let me show you. An extended debate, in 
Michigan, yielded this result on whether or not to change the symbol. "This 
emblem, which has been our symbol, although evil, has been redeemed by the 
good works of its members. " This symbol, although evil, Who said it was evil? 

The Grand Chapter of the State of Michigan! ...Has been redeemed by the good works 
of its members. Biblical salvation is through Christ alone. Never by good works! 

I'm not going to give an altar call here. I'm going to do it just the reverse. I'm 
going to call you to run FROM an altar this morning. If you're a Mason, I'm 
calling you to run from that Masonic altar. 

I'm going to call women in the Eastern Star and the Amaranth to run from their 
Masonic meeting place, from that altar, get out! Don't stay for a friend. Don't 
stay for a relative. Don't stay for a Masonic funeral. 

Continuance in this cultic, demonic diversion from the Christian walk WILL 
sentence you to HELL! That's according to Gods' Word, not mine. You may not 
have another day. 

If you're not in, stay out! You see, salvation is not by works as Masons claim. 
Salvation is only by Gods' grace through JESUS CHRIST and HIS shed blood. 
And if you don't believe that, you're not a Christian! And if you do believe it. 
Dear Friend, You should NOT be a Mason! 

I really thank you for taking the time and for letting me unburden my heart this 
morning on this subject. To let you know why I came out of Masonry. I hope 

you understand the love and concern that compelled me to do that. Yes, even at 
the risk of my very life. 

Charles G. Finney documents is his book seven men who have lost their lives. 

My son, Mark was at a meeting with me Saturday and he told me he was 
concerned about a person that was there. Because he was afraid of what might 
happen. He doesn't want to lose his father, but he knows that if, if I should die, I 

You know, when I came out of Masonry, I called my son as he got home from 
school and told him that I'd left the Masonic Fraternity. It was just one year after 
I was elected Grand Chaplain and he stood in the highest place of honor, and 
placed on my neck the Grand Chaplains' jewel. 

You know what he said? You know what he told me? "Dad, I've been praying 
for that for two years." A son of mine had been praying that I'd come out of 
Masonry! He even had a videotape to explain Masonry in the house! But 
because it wasn't the right time, he let it go. 

I called my daughter. I told her that night that I came out of Masonry. You know 
what she said? "I'm glad. Dad. Praise The Lord! I've been praying for that for 
four years! " I didn't come out easy. But I came out with a lot of friends! 

Dear Christian Friends, don't be upset if a member of your family is in Masonry. 
You pray. If you're a Mason, hear my words and come out, so the people don't 
have to continue to pray for you, year after year after year! And the people of 
God said: Amen 

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