Thursday, December 7, 2017

BTR Talks: Pastor Pierce Dodson on The Trojan Horse of Freemasonry 06/17 by Healing X Outreach Radio | Religion Podcasts

BTR Talks: Pastor Pierce Dodson on The Trojan Horse of Freemasonry 06/17 by Healing X Outreach Radio | Religion Podcasts: Saturday 6/17/17 1pm ET/12pm CTRL/11am MTN/10am Pac call in at 1-347-934-0379 to listen, ask questions or share comments or online at: You can also listen via Six screens telenetwork at (712) 432-8710 or by video suite at: When prompted dial 9925 and be sure to tune in at 5:30pm at the six screen telenetwork for more programming on the Jehovah's Witnesses every Saturday on this same Six screens hotline! Pastor Pierce dodson of tells us his experience as a pastor who entered into a church infiltrated with freemasons. He will tell us why freemasonry is an offense to the gospel and why there is a passive response in evangelical churches to men who are freemasons and members of the local church. You can read his testimony and others from actual former freemasons at Ephesians 5:11 Ministries at:

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