Sunday, July 23, 2017

Harvest Church

Secret Societies

The nature of secret societies is completely contrary to Christian belief. The Bible
is an open book inviting all who will, to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus
Christ (Rev. 22:17). Anyone inquiring into membership in the family of God can
investigate, ask questions, read the inspired handbook (the Bible), and make a
decision for Christ fully knowing what the cost and consequences of the action will

In stark contrast, a secret society welcomes only a restricted number into
membership, into the secret oaths and ceremonies, and into the activities of the
society. Members of secret orders often compare their organization with the
fellowship of believers in a local church. But a secret society is quite different from
a church in that it is elitist in nature rather than inclusive. Unlike a church it does
not extend its fellowship to any and all persons desiring to identify with the
organization, its principles and practices.

For the following four reasons Harvest Church is opposed to it’s membership
belonging to secret orders and societies:

1. The activities of secret orders demand time and energy that divert the
servant of the Lord from efforts to fulfill the Great Commission.

2. The binding loyalty to fellow members of the secret society—many of
whom are not fellow believers in Jesus Christ and His saving work—is an
unworthy joining together of believers with unbelievers.

3. The spirit, philosophy, and general influence of secret orders channel
activities toward improving only the natural part of humankind instead of
changing the heart of the spiritual being.

4. Commitment to secret orders and their teachings leads one to a wrong
emphasis on salvation through good works and improving society.

Secret societies are in conflict with the teachings of Holy Scripture. A Christian
must never affiliate with any organization that 1) yokes together believers with
unbelievers in unholy alliances (2 Cor. 6:14-18); 2) requires a pledge to
unscriptural oaths which are sealed by using the name of God improperly or in
vain (Ex. 20:7, Lev. 5:4-6, Matt. 5:34-37, James 5:12); 3) represents itself as
providing teaching in harmony with the Bible when in fact it does not (2 Peter
3:16); 4) represents itself as being religious and offers a false hope of salvation
through works, yet dishonors the only true God and our Savior the Lord Jesus
Christ (John 17:3, 1 Tim. 2:3-6, Col. 2:8-10, Eph. 2:8,9).

The Christian should "be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody"
(Rom. 12:17). Secretively meeting behind closed doors in a "lodge" where
activities are carried on behind a cloak of secrecy, in favor of fellow members,
usually for economic, social, or political advantage hardly describes doing what is
right in the eyes of everybody. "Come out from them and be separate, says the
Lord" (2 Cor. 6:17). This is God’s advice for Christians and is certainly applicable
in regard to secret societies.

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