Truth Magazine IV:12, pp. 4-5
God has always condemned religious entanglements on the part of His children. Such entanglements are referred to in the Bible as "spiritual adultery" (Ezek. 16:15, 23:43, James 4:4, Matt. 21:39).
Today we can find Christians who would not think for one minute of becoming a member of some denomination, while remaining a member of the Lord's church; yet some of these same Christians have become a member of an organization, which to them is but another "service club," but which is, in reality, a religious organization. Hence, they have, unwittingly or knowingly, committed spiritual adultery. I have reference to Christians who join the Masonic Lodge, or its woman auxiliary, the Eastern Star.
In the "certified, approved and adopted" manual or monitor of the "Grand Lodge of Texas and its subordinate Lodges" and in "Lightfoot's Manual of the Lodge with Ancient Ceremonies and Commentaries," p. VIII, tribute is paid certain men, such as Mackey, Pike, and Webb, as "the best Masonic scholars." (Emphasis mine-VHS). Hence, what they have said should be authentic Masonic doctrine. To these scholars and to the Manual of the Grand Lodge of Texas we direct your serious thoughts concerning the relationship of Christians to Masonry.
"Masonry, then is indeed a religious institution," but "the religion of Masonry is not sectarian . . . it is not Christianity." (Emphasis mine-VHS). (The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert Mackey, p. 619, as quoted in the book entitled, "Can A Christian Be A Mason?" p. 83. Many other references from Mackey and others could be produced to further prove that Masonry is definitely a religion.
"Acacian - A term signifying a Mason who by living in strict obedience to the obligations and precepts of the fraternity is free from sin." (Emphasis mine-VHS) (Lexicon of Freemasonry, Mackey, p. 16, as quoted in "Why I Left Masonry" by Claude McClung, p. 94). This statement is most significant in view of the fact that the Masonic Lodge is mostly made up of people who have never obeyed the Gospel-yet they can be "free of sin" by "obedience to the obligations and precepts of the fraternity," a religion that "is not Christianity."
That the Masonic Lodge or religion holds out a hope of eternal life for its members (most of whom are not Christians) is too clearly taught by Masonic scholars to be questioned by any one who can read. For example: "At Closing The Third Degree. Master: 'Brethren-Before I declare the Lodge closed, let us unite in humbly acknowledging our dependence on the Most High. May His right hand be as a shield and buckler to us against the assaults of our enemies; and, at the final day, may each and every one of us be raised, through the merits of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, to the celestial Lodge above where the Supreme Grand Master forever presides -forever reigns. Amen." (Texas Manual of the Lodge, p. 5). This same hope is set forth on pp. 16, 79, 83, and 95-118 of the same Texas Manual. If hope of eternal life is for those who have never obeyed the Gospel, but who have been good Masons, as taught by the Masonic Lodge, then the Bible, particularly the New Testament, is false. Yet Christians can join such a religious order and think they are pleasing to God. How wrong can people be?
Concerning the Bible, Albert Mackey had this to say: "The Bible is used, among Masons in this country, as the symbol of the will of God, however it may be expressed; and therefore, whatever expresses that Will may be used as a substitute for the Bible in other countries; otherwise, Masonry would be a sectarian institution, incapable of universality. Thus, in a Lodge consisting entirely of Jews, the Old Testament alone may be placed upon the altar. Turkish Masons may make use of the Koran. Whether it be the Gospel to the Christian, the Vedas to the Brahman, it everywhere Masonically conveys the same idea -- that of the symbolism of the Divine Will revealed to man." (Emphasis mine-VHS) (Texas Manual, p. 186).
Can faithful Christians accept this "idea" of God's Word, The Bible-that the Bible is only a "SYMBOL of the Will of God?" Christians must if they become Masons. Can faithful Christians believe that the Bible can be SUBSTITUTED by an uninspired book? To become a Mason is to accept such an "idea." How can Christians continue to be a Mason or to become one in the face of such evidence?
Masonic authorities (more could be quoted) paint a good picture of the Masonic Lodge, but it is not the picture of the religion of Christ. It, like all false religions, is blasphemy against Jehovah and against Jesus Christ.
Christian friend, read carefully and prayerfully a single New Testament reference, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, and you will "come out from among them" and you will be received of God. You can't serve God in two religions-one the true and the other false. THINK ON THESE THINGS.
Truth Magazine IV:12, pp. 4-5
September 1960
God has always condemned religious entanglements on the part of His children. Such entanglements are referred to in the Bible as "spiritual adultery" (Ezek. 16:15, 23:43, James 4:4, Matt. 21:39).
Today we can find Christians who would not think for one minute of becoming a member of some denomination, while remaining a member of the Lord's church; yet some of these same Christians have become a member of an organization, which to them is but another "service club," but which is, in reality, a religious organization. Hence, they have, unwittingly or knowingly, committed spiritual adultery. I have reference to Christians who join the Masonic Lodge, or its woman auxiliary, the Eastern Star.
In the "certified, approved and adopted" manual or monitor of the "Grand Lodge of Texas and its subordinate Lodges" and in "Lightfoot's Manual of the Lodge with Ancient Ceremonies and Commentaries," p. VIII, tribute is paid certain men, such as Mackey, Pike, and Webb, as "the best Masonic scholars." (Emphasis mine-VHS). Hence, what they have said should be authentic Masonic doctrine. To these scholars and to the Manual of the Grand Lodge of Texas we direct your serious thoughts concerning the relationship of Christians to Masonry.
"Masonry, then is indeed a religious institution," but "the religion of Masonry is not sectarian . . . it is not Christianity." (Emphasis mine-VHS). (The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert Mackey, p. 619, as quoted in the book entitled, "Can A Christian Be A Mason?" p. 83. Many other references from Mackey and others could be produced to further prove that Masonry is definitely a religion.
"Acacian - A term signifying a Mason who by living in strict obedience to the obligations and precepts of the fraternity is free from sin." (Emphasis mine-VHS) (Lexicon of Freemasonry, Mackey, p. 16, as quoted in "Why I Left Masonry" by Claude McClung, p. 94). This statement is most significant in view of the fact that the Masonic Lodge is mostly made up of people who have never obeyed the Gospel-yet they can be "free of sin" by "obedience to the obligations and precepts of the fraternity," a religion that "is not Christianity."
That the Masonic Lodge or religion holds out a hope of eternal life for its members (most of whom are not Christians) is too clearly taught by Masonic scholars to be questioned by any one who can read. For example: "At Closing The Third Degree. Master: 'Brethren-Before I declare the Lodge closed, let us unite in humbly acknowledging our dependence on the Most High. May His right hand be as a shield and buckler to us against the assaults of our enemies; and, at the final day, may each and every one of us be raised, through the merits of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, to the celestial Lodge above where the Supreme Grand Master forever presides -forever reigns. Amen." (Texas Manual of the Lodge, p. 5). This same hope is set forth on pp. 16, 79, 83, and 95-118 of the same Texas Manual. If hope of eternal life is for those who have never obeyed the Gospel, but who have been good Masons, as taught by the Masonic Lodge, then the Bible, particularly the New Testament, is false. Yet Christians can join such a religious order and think they are pleasing to God. How wrong can people be?
Concerning the Bible, Albert Mackey had this to say: "The Bible is used, among Masons in this country, as the symbol of the will of God, however it may be expressed; and therefore, whatever expresses that Will may be used as a substitute for the Bible in other countries; otherwise, Masonry would be a sectarian institution, incapable of universality. Thus, in a Lodge consisting entirely of Jews, the Old Testament alone may be placed upon the altar. Turkish Masons may make use of the Koran. Whether it be the Gospel to the Christian, the Vedas to the Brahman, it everywhere Masonically conveys the same idea -- that of the symbolism of the Divine Will revealed to man." (Emphasis mine-VHS) (Texas Manual, p. 186).
Can faithful Christians accept this "idea" of God's Word, The Bible-that the Bible is only a "SYMBOL of the Will of God?" Christians must if they become Masons. Can faithful Christians believe that the Bible can be SUBSTITUTED by an uninspired book? To become a Mason is to accept such an "idea." How can Christians continue to be a Mason or to become one in the face of such evidence?
Masonic authorities (more could be quoted) paint a good picture of the Masonic Lodge, but it is not the picture of the religion of Christ. It, like all false religions, is blasphemy against Jehovah and against Jesus Christ.
Christian friend, read carefully and prayerfully a single New Testament reference, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, and you will "come out from among them" and you will be received of God. You can't serve God in two religions-one the true and the other false. THINK ON THESE THINGS.
Truth Magazine IV:12, pp. 4-5
September 1960
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