The question that
comprises the heading of this message is one that has been asked and answered
countless times over countless years and the answer really
depends on three things.
1) Whether or not the person answering
has truly studied all that he can about both Freemasonry and
his/her Christian faith.
2) Whether or not the information studied and
learned matters to them.
3) What they value most in their lives.
To the first, we have to
point out several facts. About 95% of all the “professors”
of Freemasonry have no clue as to what the actual agenda of their
organization is. Freemasonry in all of its iterations (i.e. Prince Hall, Scottish
Rite and York Rite) consists of about 33 different levels of knowledge,
referred to as “degrees”. Whereas Freemasonry boasts well over 6
million members worldwide, only a small percentage of these ever progress
beyond the first three degrees that are known as the “Blue Lodge”. The reason
for this is that most regular lodge business is conducted on this
level, so moving further is possible but not always encouraged. The
truth about the organization is only revealed to those that achieve 30 degrees
or higher, but even then only to about 5% of those that make it that far.
It is important to note
here that most professing Freemasons see the exact same thing
from within the organization as those that are on the outside looking
in. Namely, a philanthropic organization that offers a fraternal bond and a way
to serve ones community. They see an organization that boasts members within government,
finance, military and even the clergy. Often the people they respect most are
members and have been influential in their decision to join.
So, if this is what the
organization is about, then what is so wrong with it, right? What could
be wrong with an organization that can trace its history back to at
least 9 of the signers of the Declaration of Independence,
over 12 sitting U.S. Presidents, some
of the most well known and influential scientists, researchers, authors and
pastors in the history of our country, not to mention the rest of the world,
right? I mean, surely if there were something “evil” about it then there
wouldn’t be so many Pastors, Elders and deacons partaking in it. At
least that is what we would assume, but again, keep in mind that most of these
have not progressed far enough to see past what they are presented with in the
Blue Lodge.
What is that, you ask?
Well the first three degrees are inundated with biblical language and
corruptions of biblical stories. So much so that on the surface it would appear
that it were solidly founded upon the Holy bible. In it you will find
references to Solomon and his temple, to Boaz, Ruth and others (both fictitious
and real). You are told and taught that Freemasonry is designed to help a “good
man, become better” and that it will aid you in your personal walk with Christ.
So, yes it is designed to make one believe that it is Christian in nature.
Ironically, the
discussion of religion and politics is prohibited within the lodge.
Now, to the information
that should stand out even to those of the Blue lodges. If you proclaim to be a
Christian and are even remotely versed in scripture, then you will be familiar
with the following passages, and I plead with you to be honest with yourself
and whether or not we violate these commands by being a member of Freemasonry
or not.
2 Corinthians 6:14-15
“Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has
righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with
darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer
share with an unbeliever?”
I point out this verse
for a specific reason. As stated above, the discussion of religion is actually
prohibited within the lodge setting. That mandate was created to keep members
from feeling alienated or separated. You see, ANYONE can be a member of
Freemasonry, regardless of their religious affiliation, or even of their belief
in God. In fact, one of the tenants of Freemasonry is that God is known by
multiple names and that Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Aum, Rah, etc., are one and the
same god. So, sitting within a Masonic lodge and acknowledging the “Grand
Architect of the Universe” together with those that would profess belief in a
god other than the God of the Holy Bible, is a direct violation of this
command. In fact, when one becomes a Shriner (which most 32nd degree Masons do)
there are placed on the altar a copy of the Holy Bible and the Quran, side by
Galatians 1:6-9 “I am
astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of
Christ and are turning to a different gospel not that there is another one, but
there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But
even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to
the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now
I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you
received, let him be accursed.”
I mention this verse for
an equally specific reason. But you may ask what that could be since no one is
preaching in a Masonic lodge, right? Well, that depends on what you are
listening to. As stated above, Freemasonry claims to be designed to make a good
man better. And it also claims to lead the initiated to more light or
understanding about the “Grand Architect of the Universe” (which is nothing
more than a universal name given to god, or the supreme being). I have to ask a
question of those that are at this point still finding themselves defending
Freemasonry and saying that it is a Christian organization. If it be true that
it’s Christian in nature and at its core, and if be true that it leads one to
be a better Christian, then why I ask is Christ NEVER mentioned in any of the
rituals or initiations??? A Christianity without Christ is one that cannot save
any souls or make any man better! So, you see how again, being seated in a
Masonic lodge and fraternizing under the system that Freemasonry claims to be
is allowing yourself to sit under another gospel!
I pray that I have
adequately proven my point that Freemasonry is NOT a Christian organization and
is not based upon the bible.
Now I will venture to
point out to you that it is truly evil at its core and its agenda is one that
is not only to be avoided, but actively fought against! As I stated before, the
truth of this organization is only revealed to those that seek higher degrees
or “more light”. But you don’t have to achieve 30 degrees or higher to see the
truth about who is actually worshipped in this pseudo-religion. In the book
“Duncans Ritual of Freemasonry”, in the Royal Arch degrees there is a section
that one must navigate past in which a secret name is given. This name must be
repeated by a rule of 3 times 3 (note the similarity to the rule used in witchcraft),
that being that it takes three members to pronounce the name. That name being
“Jebulon” or “Jah-Baal-Aum”. This name is a self professed amalgamation of
three different names, Jehovah, Baal, and Aum or On. So you have here Jewish,
Syrian or Chaldean and Egyptian. A corruption of Gods name and His essence.
Shocking, right? Well, we’re not done yet. There is a great contemporary of
Freemasonry by the name of Albert G. Pike (yes a Ku Klux Klan member) that
wrote a book called “Morals and Dogma”, which is widely accepted as an
encyclopedia to Freemasonry, but was initially only intended to be read by
those who have achieved 30 or more degrees. In this book he writes, “LUCIFER,
the Light-Bearer .. Is it he who bears the Light? Doubt it not!” Yes, it
is taught and believed that Lucifer is the true “good god”. When studied for
what it is one sees that the ancient Kabbalah is at the heart of Freemasonry
and that the doctrines that are taught are truly Luciferian in nature.
So, not only is
Freemasonry NOT a Christian organization, but it teaches everything that
would be considered to be contrary or “anti” to the Christian faith.
Now, if at this point
you still aren’t convinced, then at least you have some of the information
before you and can at begin to study it for yourselves. I trust and pray that
if you are sincere in your quest for true knowledge and freedom from this
organization that God will show you the way out, just as he has with me. Yes,
with me. I don’t just speak on things here that I ‘heard” from someone else,
but that I have experienced and learned myself. I was a 32nd degree Mason and a
Shriner, but God saw fit to pull me out of this deception and I trust He will
do the same for anyone else that finds themselves in the position I was in.
I’ve been asked if I
believe Freemasonry to be a threat to the world. I am not a conspiracy
theorist so I would answer that by stating, it depends on your socio-political
bent. But I will say that it is by far one of the greatest if not the greatest
threat to the church at this time. I say this because it is comprised of
millions of members and undoubtedly a great majority of those are professing
Christians. That means that not only are lay members within the church but also
Pastors and other leaders being taught a gospel that is not of the bible, but
their drive to share the true gospel is being dampened since they are of the
mindset that all religions or belief systems are equally valid. If we are led
to believe that it matters not what we call God or how we worship Him, then
there is no reason to share the gospel with someone of a different belief! And
what’s more, if we are constantly taught that we can have a relationship with
God apart from Christ then our own salvation is a stake.
This is a group that is in
need of being evangelized and reached out to. Share the gospel with them and
offer them not your judgment or criticism, but rather your love and fellowship.
Realize that in most cases (as it was with me), their entire social structure
and network consists of other Freemasons and Eastern Stars and letting it go
will be something that is very difficult. They may feel betrayed, deceived and
very angry. But assure them of the true light, that light and truth that is
Jesus Christ!
Now, I realize that the
common questions that will be asked are, “can someone continue to be a Mason or
Eastern Star and just not believe what is revealed further in?” and “can we not
make it into a Christian organization?”
To the first, no,
because it would be tantamount to saying that “I don’t believe what al qaeda
does, but I will continue to be a member because of the benefits to me.”
To the second, no,
because ultimately it matters what is at the heart or core of any matter. If
the desire is to maintain the fellowship and fraternal bond AND be obedient to
Gods word, then I simply ask this, why not create a brand new organization that
truly has the God, Christ and the Holy Bible as its foundation?
So, in closing, can a
Christian be a Freemason? NO
Barry Noack:
I am originally from
God be the Glory. Soli Deo Gloria
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